Dopt orders லேபிளுடன் இடுகைகளைக் காண்பிக்கிறது. அனைத்து இடுகைகளையும் காண்பி
Dopt orders லேபிளுடன் இடுகைகளைக் காண்பிக்கிறது. அனைத்து இடுகைகளையும் காண்பி
புதன், 6 மார்ச், 2019
வெள்ளி, 19 பிப்ரவரி, 2016
LTC -Dopt Orders 2016
Dopt Orders on LTC – Self Certification Proforma and New Guidelines
Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 — Fulfilment of procedural requirements.
No.31011/3/2015-Estt (A.IV)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Establishment A-IV Desk
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Establishment A-IV Desk
North Block, New Delhi-110 001
Dated: February 18, 2016
Dated: February 18, 2016
Subject:- Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 – Fulfillment of procedural requirements.
This Department is in receipt of a number of references regarding the procedural difficulties faced by the Government employees in application and settlement of the LTC claims. Sometimes, the Government servants claim that failure to follow the correct procedure was on account of a lack of knowledge of the rules/instructions. It is alleged that in some cases, processing of LTC claims takes unduly long time, particularly when the employee and the sanctioning authorities are located at different stations.
2. To remove these bottlenecks, it has been decided to simplify the procedure of application and make the procedure of processing of LTC claims time bound. The following time-limits shall be followed while processing the LTC applications/claims of the Government servants.
Ltc dopt order
*(a) Additional 3 days transit-time may be allowed in cases where the place of posting of the Government employees is away from their Headquarters, The Government employee may proceed on LTC after action on S.No.1 .
(b) Efforts should be made to reduce the duration of processing of LTC applications/claims at the earliest. The maximum time limit should be strictly adhered to and non —compliance of time limit should be adequately explained
3. Under CCS (LTC) Rules, the Government servants are required to inform their Controlling Officer before the journey(s) on LTC to be undertaken. It has now been decided that the Leave Sanctioning Authority shall obtain a self-certification from the employee regarding the proposed LTC journey. The proforma for self-certification has been annexed with this O.M.
4. In addition to the above, it has been decided that whenever a Government servant applies for LTC, he/she should be provided with a copy of the guidelines (enclosed) which needs to be followed while availing LTC.
5. Employees may be encouraged to share interesting insights and pictures, if any, of the destination he/she visited while availing LTC in an appropriate forum.
(Surya Narayan Jha)
Under Secretary of the Government of India
Under Secretary of the Government of India
புதன், 14 அக்டோபர், 2015
PCAFYS Circular – Grand 1st, 2nd and 3rd MACP Upgradation under MACP
PCAFYS Circular – Grand 1st, 2nd and 3rd MACP Upgradation under MACP
Grand 1st, 2nd and 3rd MACP Upgradation under MACP – PCAFYS Circular
Grant of First/Second/Third Financial Upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS)
Office of the Principal Controller of Accounts (Fys.)
10A, Shaheed Khudiram Bose Road, Kolkata-700001
Office of the Principal Controller of Accounts (Fys.)
10A, Shaheed Khudiram Bose Road, Kolkata-700001
No : 1071/AN:III/MACP/Circular/Vol: III
Date: 06.10.2015
1. All Cs of F & A (Fys)
2. All Br. A.Os
3. All sections of M.O. including RTC
4. The Officer- I/C, A.O. OF, Nalanda, Rajgir – 803121
5. The Officer- I/C, A.O. OF (P) KORWA
6, OFB, Finance Division, Kolkata
7. The CIA, 10-A, S K Bose Road, Kolkata
1. All Cs of F & A (Fys)
2. All Br. A.Os
3. All sections of M.O. including RTC
4. The Officer- I/C, A.O. OF, Nalanda, Rajgir – 803121
5. The Officer- I/C, A.O. OF (P) KORWA
6, OFB, Finance Division, Kolkata
7. The CIA, 10-A, S K Bose Road, Kolkata
Sub : Grant of First/Second/Third Financial Upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) to MTS / CLKs (including IDT)/DEOs /Auditors/Sr. Auditors (including Sr. Auditor (ACP) / Hindi Translators/Stenographers/Private secretaries/Staff Car Drivers/Asst. Accounts Officers.
Please furnish names of MIS / CLK (including IDT) / DEOs Auditors /Sr. Auditors (including Sr. Auditor (ACP) / Hindi Translators / Stenographers / Private Secretaries / Stafts Car Drivers / Asst. Accounts Officers who will be eligible for consideration of first/second/third financial up gradation under MACPs between 01-04-16 and 30-09-16.
2. It is also requested to furnish LEFT OVER cases, if any.
The names of the eligible individual may be furnished in the following format:-
i, Name, Grade & A1C no.
ii. Date of Birth
iii. Date of Appointment with grade
iv. Date of 1st promotion with grade/ Date of 1st ACP/ 1st MACP
v. Date of 2nd promotion with grade/ Date of 2nd ACP/2nd MACP
vi, Certificate: Discipline, Vigilance (if any criminal case is pendinglinitiated the same may also please be informed)
vii. Remarks, if any
ii. Date of Birth
iii. Date of Appointment with grade
iv. Date of 1st promotion with grade/ Date of 1st ACP/ 1st MACP
v. Date of 2nd promotion with grade/ Date of 2nd ACP/2nd MACP
vi, Certificate: Discipline, Vigilance (if any criminal case is pendinglinitiated the same may also please be informed)
vii. Remarks, if any
The reply may please be furnished on or before 13.11.2015. NII report Is also required,
(Anindya Biswas)
Sr. Accounts Officer (AN)
Sr. Accounts Officer (AN)
Authority :
Dopt Orders – Verification of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes for purpose of appointment to posts/services
Dopt Orders – Verification of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes for purpose of appointment to posts/services
Verification of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes for purpose of appointment to posts/services – Dopt Orders
Dopt issued an another fresh order regarding the verification of claims of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes for purpose of appointment to posts/services on 8.10.2015
G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.36011/1/2012-Estt.(Res.), dated 8.10.2015
Subject: Reiteration of the instructions on verification of claims of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes for purpose of appointment to posts/services.
The undersigned is directed to say that as per extant instructions where a candidate belonging to a Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Other Backward Classes (OBC) is unable to produce a certificate from any of the prescribed authorities, he/she may be appointed provisionally on the basis of whatever prima-facie proof he/she is able to produce in support of his/her claim subject to his/her furnishing the prescribed certificate within a reasonable time. Instructions have been issued vide DoPT’s letter No.36022/1/2007-Estt.(Res.) dated 20.3.2007 to the Chief Secretaries of all States/UTs for streamlining the system of verification of caste certificates so that unscrupulous non-SC/ST/OBC persons are prevented from securing jobs meant for SCs/STs/OBCs by producing false certificates. Timely and effective verification of caste status is necessary so that the benefit of reservation and other scheme of concessions etc. go only to the justifyfiil claimants.
2. In this regard, attention is invited to the instructions contained in the following Office Memoranda/Orders issued by this Department from time to time. A copy each of the Office Memoranda is enclosed:-
(i) OM No. 36019/7/75-Estt. (SCT) dated 31.10.1975
(ii) OM No. 36011/16/80 — Estt. (SCT) dated 27.02.1981
(iii) OM No. 36011/3/2005-Estt. (Res.) dated 09.09.2005
(iv) OM No. 360 12/6/88-Estt.(SCT) dated 24.4.1990
(ii) OM No. 36011/16/80 — Estt. (SCT) dated 27.02.1981
(iii) OM No. 36011/3/2005-Estt. (Res.) dated 09.09.2005
(iv) OM No. 360 12/6/88-Estt.(SCT) dated 24.4.1990
3. Instances have been brought to the notice of this Department that despite the aforesaid instructions, the appointments of the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC communities are with-held/delayed due to pending caste certificates verification.
4. It is, therefore, reiterated that in the situation where a candidate belonging to a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes is unable to produce a certificate from any of the prescribed authorities, he/she may be appointed provisionally on the basis of whatever prima-facie proof he/she is able to produce in support of his/her claim subject to his/her furnishing the prescribed certificate within a reasonable time and if there is genuine difficulty in his/her obtaining a certificate, the appointing authority should itself verify his/her claim through the District Magistrate concerned.
5. All Ministries/ Departments are requested to bring the contents of this 0.M. to the notice of all concerned.
Nomination of Shri.M.S.Raja as a Staff Side Member of Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) – Dopt Order
Nomination of Shri.M.S.Raja as a Staff Side Member of Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) – Dopt Order
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated: 19th March, 2015
Dated: 19th March, 2015
Secretary, Staff Side,
National Council (JCM)
13-C, Ferozeshah Road,
New Delhi – 110001
Secretary, Staff Side,
National Council (JCM)
13-C, Ferozeshah Road,
New Delhi – 110001
Subject: Nomination of member of Staff Side in the Standing Committee National Council (JCM).
Kindly refer to your letter No. NC-JCM-2015 (Nomination) dated 26th February, 2015 on the subject above cited above. The nomination of Shri.M.S.Raja as a Staff Side Member of Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) vice late Shri.S.K.Vyas has been approved by Secretary (Personnel) as Chariman of the Standing Committee of National Council (CJM).
Kindly refer to your letter No. NC-JCM-2015 (Nomination) dated 26th February, 2015 on the subject above cited above. The nomination of Shri.M.S.Raja as a Staff Side Member of Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) vice late Shri.S.K.Vyas has been approved by Secretary (Personnel) as Chariman of the Standing Committee of National Council (CJM).
Yours faithfully,
Director (JCA)
Director (JCA)
Source: NFPE
Service Records of Central Government employees to be examined annually
Monday, October 13 ,2015
Service Records of Central Government employees to be examined annually
Service Records of Central Government employees to be examined annually
The nodal department of Central Government, Dopt has issued orders to all the departments to examine the employee’s service records each year in order to avoid delays in sanctioning the pensions on 30th September 2015.
More than 50 lakhs employees work in various departments of the Central Government. Pensions are delayed at the time of their retirement, due to administrative blunders and mix-ups. In order to avoid this, Service Book will be updated each year.
The main intention of the order is eliminating delays in processing of cases of retiring Government Servants. Rules and instructions of this department are reiterated time to time. The department of pensions and pensioners welfare have also suggested that the administrative authorities, to preclude and to cut down on delays in
“Service Book is a record of every event occurring in the official life of a government servant. It has to be maintained for every government servant holding a permanent or a temporary post except for those who are not likely to be in service for more than on year or those holding non pensionable service.”
The nodal department of Central Government, Dopt has issued orders to all the departments to examine the employee’s service records each year in order to avoid delays in sanctioning the pensions on 30th September 2015.
More than 50 lakhs employees work in various departments of the Central Government. Pensions are delayed at the time of their retirement, due to administrative blunders and mix-ups. In order to avoid this, Service Book will be updated each year.
The main intention of the order is eliminating delays in processing of cases of retiring Government Servants. Rules and instructions of this department are reiterated time to time. The department of pensions and pensioners welfare have also suggested that the administrative authorities, to preclude and to cut down on delays in
Read more :
செவ்வாய், 13 அக்டோபர், 2015
Extension of last date of filing of revised returns for the year 2014 and the returns for the year 2015 by Public servants
No. 407/12/2014-AVD-IV(B)
Bharat Sarkar/Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Bharat Sarkar/Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
Date: 11 th October, 2015
Date: 11 th October, 2015
Subject: Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by Public Servants under Section 44 of Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013-extension of last date of filing of revised returns for the year 2014 and the returns for the year 2015 by Public servants.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s D.O. letter of even number dated 30 April, 2015 regarding the furnishing of information relating to assets and liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 and forwarding therewith copies of the Central Government’s notifications dated 27th April, 2015 containing —
(a) amendment to the Lokpal & Lokayuktas (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2014, for the purpose of extending the time limit for carrying out necessary changes in the relevant rules relating to different services from “eighteen months” to “twenty one months” from the date on which the Act came into force, i.e., 16th January, 2014; and
(b)the Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Amendment Rules, 2014, extending the time limit for filing of revised returns by all public servants from 30th April, 2015 to 15th October 2015.
2. In this regard, the undersigned is directed to convey that the last date for filing of revised returns for the year 2014 (as on 01.08.2014) and the returns for the year 2015 (as on 31.03.2015) by Public servants under the rules indicated in para 1 (b) above has now been further extended from 15th October, 2015 to 15th April, 2016. Formal amendments to the Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Rules, 2014 and to the Lokpal & Lokayuktas (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2014 are being notified separately. They will also be uploaded on the ebsite of this Department, i.e., htt://
3. all Ministries/Departments and cadre authorities are requested to kindly issue orders towards ensuring compliance with the revised Rules by all officers and staff in the respective Mnistry/Department/Organisation/PSUs under their control, within the revised time -limit mentioned therein.
(Jishnu Barua)
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India
ஞாயிறு, 4 அக்டோபர், 2015
Railway Board – Appointment on compassionate grounds
Railway Board – Appointment on compassionate ground
No. E(NG)II/2015/RC-1/21
New Delhi,
Dated: 18.09.2015.
Dated: 18.09.2015.
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/PUs.
All Zonal Railways/PUs.
Sub: Appointment on compassionate grounds – regarding.
Vigilance Directorate of this Ministry has pointed out that while making appointment on compassionate grounds, proper procedures are not being followed. In order to expedite the process, shortcuts are adopted in disregard to procedure laid down for the purpose. They have observed the following deficiencies:-
(I) The appointment orders were not sent through dak procedure but handed over to the candidates. Also, the said orders were not marked to the concerned appointing authorities.
(ii) It was found that attestation/check list was not issued which is helpful in containing forged appointment cases.
(iii) Offers of appointment issued to the candidates were (a) These were not typed but handwritten. (b) They were not in proper format. (c) They did not mention the medical category of the candidates. (d) Corrections were found in the offers of appointment, some of which were even not signed by the appropriate authority.
(iv) Service sheet was not made at the time of appointment.
(v) In the cases of all the candidates who were issued offers of appointment verification of character and antecedents was pending but the offers of appointment did not mention that the appointment was provisional subject to verification of their character and antecedents.
The matter has been viewed seriously by this Ministry and it is accordingly, directed that CPOs at the Headquarter level/Heads of the Personnel Branch in other units, Sr. DPO/DPO at Divisional level should ensure that procedure laid down to deal cases of compassionate appointment are strictly adhered to.
(Neeraj Kumar)
Director Estt.(N)-II
Railway Board.
Director Estt.(N)-II
Railway Board.
click here …for the Original copy
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