திங்கள், 30 நவம்பர், 2015
ஞாயிறு, 29 நவம்பர், 2015
The Report of the 7th Central Pay Commission
39-A. North Block. New Delhi-110001
39-A. North Block. New Delhi-110001
November 21. 2015
Dear Sir.
The Report of the 7th Central Pay Commission was submitted to the Governmenton 19.11.2015. A COPY of the Report is placed on the website of Ministry of Finance (www.finmin.nic.in)
2. The process to examine the recommendations of the Commission has to commence immediately. An Empowered Committee of Secretaries chaired by cabinet Secretary is being constituted to consider the recommendations in its entirety and after considering the views of all the Departments as well as the Staff Associations and JCM. An implementation Cell is also being created In this Ministry to process the recommendations based on the views of the Ministries/Departments , Staff Associations and JCM for submitting the matter for consideration of the empowered Committee of Secretaries and thereafter for approval of the Cabinet based on the conclusions arrived at by the Empowered Committee of Secretaries.
3. Thus, the process to consider the, recommendations before it reaches a final shape for approval of the Cabinet requires consultation amongst all the Ministries/Departments who may formulate their opinion based on the views of Staff Associations under their administrative control.
4. Accordingly. it is requested that the following action may be taken on an urgent basis in your Department:
(i) A Nodal Officer at the level of a Joint Secretary may be nominated immediately. Whom the implementation Cell in this Ministry would be interacting with during the course of processing of the recommendations
(ii) The recommendations of the Commission may be examined in regard to issues concerning your Department and the views thereon may be furnished to this Ministry within three weeks.
(iii)The recommendations of the Commission may be examined in regard Posts/Cadre/service/ organization under your Department and the views thereon may be furnished to this Ministry within three weeks.
(iv) While formulating the views of your Department, the comments, if any of any of the recognized Staff Associations under the administrative control of your Department. may also be obtainedand taken into account.
(v) In case your Department has any view on any of the recommendations contained in the Report, even though it may not directly pertain to your Department, may also be furnished under a separate category within three weeks.
(VI) In case you have any other suggestion to make in this regard, the same will b appreciated.
I request you, accordingly to kindly ensure that the action on the above points is given utmost priority and the same is completed within the stipulated timeline of three weeks.
With warm règards.
Yours sincerely.
(Annie G Mathew)
(Annie G Mathew)
Union Websites for CG Employees & Pensioners
IMPORTANT Union Websites for CG Employees & Pensioners
Expected DA from Jan 2015 – DA Calculation from 2006 to 2014
Expected DA from Jan 2015 – Comparison of DA Calculation from 2006 to 2014
Expected DA from Jan 2015 – AICPIN Points for September Released – Remains Unchanged at 253
One of the most important department functioning under the Central Government is the Labour Bureau. The department releases a number of important statistics and conducts surveys. In the year 1872, the department had successfully conducted the population census of the entire country. This census gave not only the count of number of persons, but also the number of gainfully employed. Since then every census has thrown useful data on workers in different industries and occupations every 10 years. The bureau also releases official information, economic indicators like Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial, Agricultural and Rural Labourers; wage rate indices and data on industrial relations etc. that are followed by a number of government departments.
One such indicator is the monthly Consumer Price Index Numbers (Industrial Workers 2001=100), which is used to calculate the Dearness Allowance for Central Government employees. Prices of 24 essential commodities (from rice to bathing soap) are observed in 78 cities all over the country in order to calculate the average index of CPI(IW).
It is based on these statistics that, once every six months, the Centre announces Dearness Allowance for its employees. Based on the AICPIN(All India Consumer Price Index Numbers) between January and June, and between July and December, the Finance Ministry decides the percentage of hike in Dearness allowance and Dearness Relief according to the recommendations of 6th CPC and informs the Government. The Centre makes its decision after discussing the recommendation during the cabinet meeting.
Now, ‘Expected DA from Jan 2015′ is the first installment of next year and only three months’ data have been collected as of now, for the Dearness Allowance. Accurate D.A percentage can be calculated only after the remaining 3 months’ AICPIN points are announced.
But, we believe that based on October’s AICPIN points, we can conclude if the next D.A hike is going to be for 6% or 7%.
The Dearness Allowance announcements since 2006 have been tabulated and presented, as additional information.
சனி, 28 நவம்பர், 2015
1. Refer Army Order 02/2006/QMG
2. Government of India has decided to extend the CSD Canteen facilities to the Retired Defence Civilian Employees vide MoD letter No. F.No.8(14)/2015-D(Mov) dated 31 Jul 2015.
3. Eligibility : Retired Defence Civilian Employees of following departments who were not entitled to avail CSD facilities will now be entitled for CSD facilities:
(a) Ministry of Defence including those working in their respective attached offices and those working in lower military formations.
(b) Defence Audit Departments.
(c) Executive Officer Cantonment Board
(d) Hindutan Aeronautics Ltd personnel retired from Air Force Station Hyderabad, Jorhat, Air Force Academy, Dundigal (Hyderabad) and Air Force Station Yelahanka(Bangalore)
(e) Indian Defence Accounts Services.
(f) Secretariat Border Roads Development Board and HQ Director General Border Roads.
(g) Retired employees of Canteen Stores Departments who are getting pension from CSD Fund.
(h) MES Employees.
4. Entitlement : They will be entitled for only Grocery Stores. No Liquor will be authorised.
5. Validity : The cards will have a validity of 10 years, from the date of issue and will be renewed every year.
6. Process for applying for Retired Defence Civilian Employees Card : All Retired Defence Civilian Employees will apply for the Smart Card to the URC through which they want to avail the Canteen facilities after authentication of the application.
7. Authentication : The application form will be authenticated for its correctness by the Department from which the employees has retired. The form will be countersigned by an officer not below the Rank of Under Secretary or equivalent.
8. Documents to be submitted to Department URC : The following attested documents will be submitted to the URC :
(a) Application for Canteen Smart card duly countersigned by the competent authority.
(b) Govt order for Retirement.
(c) Copy of Pension Payment Order (PPO)
(d) Address Proof and Copy of PAN card.
(e) Payment of Rs.135 to the URC.
(a) Application for Canteen Smart card duly countersigned by the competent authority.
(b) Govt order for Retirement.
(c) Copy of Pension Payment Order (PPO)
(d) Address Proof and Copy of PAN card.
(e) Payment of Rs.135 to the URC.
9. Guidelines for Authenticating Authority:
(a) Each concerned department shoud appoint officer authorised to countersigned and promulgate orders and forward details to this office.
(b) Countersigned officer will verify that all columns are filled correctly prior to countersigned.
(a) Each concerned department shoud appoint officer authorised to countersigned and promulgate orders and forward details to this office.
(b) Countersigned officer will verify that all columns are filled correctly prior to countersigned.
10. Guidelines for URC : Vetting of application will be done at URC for correctness. The following will be checked :
(a) That application is filled in all respect and no column is left blank.
(b) Signature of Countersiging authority.
(c) All personal particulars are checked for correctness with PPO and other supporting documents.
(d) In case an application is rejected the same will be informed to the applicant.
(e) New card will be sent by M/s. Smart Chip Ltd to the URC for issue to applicant. URC will check details with individuals Departmental retired identity Card prior to issue of new Canteen Smart Card.
(a) That application is filled in all respect and no column is left blank.
(b) Signature of Countersiging authority.
(c) All personal particulars are checked for correctness with PPO and other supporting documents.
(d) In case an application is rejected the same will be informed to the applicant.
(e) New card will be sent by M/s. Smart Chip Ltd to the URC for issue to applicant. URC will check details with individuals Departmental retired identity Card prior to issue of new Canteen Smart Card.
(f) Since large number of applications are likely to be received intially at the URCs, the URC Manager must exercise due diligence while scrutinising and verifying the applications.
11. Guidelines for SCL : The following will be ensured ;
(a) All applications are sent by CCTS to M/s. Smart Chip Ltd, at the earliest.
(b) On receipt of application check for correctness with existing records through old Grocery Card Number.
(c) Verify applicants personal details through PAN No. on www.verifypan.in
(d) Ensure previous card of applicatin is hotlised prior to handing over of new card for Retired Defence Civilian Employees.
(a) All applications are sent by CCTS to M/s. Smart Chip Ltd, at the earliest.
(b) On receipt of application check for correctness with existing records through old Grocery Card Number.
(c) Verify applicants personal details through PAN No. on www.verifypan.in
(d) Ensure previous card of applicatin is hotlised prior to handing over of new card for Retired Defence Civilian Employees.
12. The application form (Blue Color) for Retired Defence Civilian Employees attached as Appendix will be made available in the URCs at the earliest by M/s. Smart Chip Ltd.
13. This letter be given vide publicity by displaying at prominent places like URSs, Station HQs, CAO and other controlling HQs.
Read our Exclusive Article on this subject:
வெள்ளி, 27 நவம்பர், 2015
More flaws than plus points -7th cpc
More flaws than plus points -7th cpc
7th Pay Commission: More flaws than plus points
The much-awaited 7th Pay Commission report was submitted to the government last Thursday. The 900-page long report was perused swiftly within a day or two and criticisms have already started coming.
The very next day of submitting the report, M. Krishnan, the Confederation Secretary, gave a scathing criticism. “No other Pay Commission had submitted such a worst report,” he said. At the very beginning of the press release, he had mentioned that the backward mindset of the recommendations of the Pay Commission have been a huge disappointment for the Central Government employees.
Contrary to all the wild speculations, a raise of only 14.29 percent was finally given to the Central Government employees. This increment is akin to two installments of the Dearness Allowance. He has strongly stated that more than 50 lakh Central Government employees and members of the armed forces have been cheated.
In order to clarify the doubts that arise about the 7th Pay Commission report, one has to refer to the 6th Pay Commission recommendations. But, it also highlights the stark difference in the quality of both the reports. While the 6th Pay Commission report had clearly stated its recommendations and justifications with explanations and examples, the 7th Pay Commission report is a lifeless play of words.
The 6th Pay Commission recommended 10 percent, 20 percent, and 30 percent House Rent Allowance for ten years starting from 01.01.2006. The intention behind reducing it to 24 percent, 16 percent and eight percent was not explained. Despite being very well aware of the fact that the recommendations will be in effect until 2026, the fact that the Pay Commission had tried to reduce the allocation has left the Central Government employees greatly disappointed.
MACP Promotions: Among the biggest disappointments of the 7th Pay Commission report is the fact that promotions, which are given once every ten years, so not earn any substantial benefits for the employees. They stand to gain only 3 percent hike. Another painful observation is the fact that the gap between Grade Pay 2800 and 4200 has been completely reduced.
The next big disappointment is the method of calculating the dearness allowance. This was one of the much-anticipated parts of the report. There is no clear explanation as to the reason why changes had to be made in the CPI IW BY 2001=100 method, or the 115.76 Factor.
On top of it all, the commission has introduced a new “Pay Matrix.” Our expectations of a detailed explanation about it were never fulfilled. 3 percent of the amount has been rounded off and given for each CELL.
In short, the 7th Pay Commission report is on the receiving end of lot of criticism. Central Government employees are now hoping that the Centre would intervene and do something positive for them.
Uniform Fitment Factor -7th Pay Commission
Uniform Fitment Factor -7th Pay Commission
Uniform Fitment Factor recommended by 7th Pay Commission
The existing PB-1, this index is 2.57, increasing to 2.62 for personnel in PB-2 and further to 2.67 from PB-3. The rationalised entry pay so arrived has been used in devising the new pay matrix.
The 7th Pay Commission recommended uniform fitment factor for all group of Central Government employees. The commission says that the fitment recommended by the VI CPC was in the form of grade pay. Any inconsistency in the computation of grade pay or in the spacing between pay bands has a direct bearing on the quantum of fitment benefit. Therefore, these issues have also been raised by numerous stakeholders. It has been demanded by a majority of the stakeholders that there should be a single fitment factor which should be uniformly applied for all employees.
The 6th CPC had mentioned that grade pay would be equivalent to 40 percent of the maximum of the pre-revised scale and that the grade pay will constitute the actual fitment, yet the computation varied greatly. After the implementation of recommendations, the difference became more pronounced in Pay Band 4 as compared to the other three pay bands. This resulted in varying fitment factors for various levels and promotional benefits that were perceived to be rather differentiated. The same pattern was discernible in the pension fixation too.
And also explained in its report that the starting point for the first level of the matrix has been set at Rs.18,000. This corresponds to the starting pay of Rs.7,000, which is the beginning of PB-1 viz., Rs.5,200 + GP1800, which prevailed on 01.01.2006, the date of implementation of the VI CPCrecommendations. Hence the starting point now proposed is 2.57 times of what was prevailing on 01.01.2006. This fitment factor of 2.57 is being proposed to be applied uniformly for all employees. It includes a factor of 2.25 on account of DA neutralisation, assuming that the rate of Dearness Allowance would be 125 percent at the time of implementation of the new pay. Accordingly, the actual raise/fitment being recommended is 14.29 percent.
Finally, the fitment of each employee in the new pay matrix is proposed to be done by multiplying his/her basic pay on the date of implementation by a factor of 2.57.
Source: http://7thpaycommissionnews.in/
வியாழன், 26 நவம்பர், 2015
indian Express -Army veterans to take OROP battle to Supreme Court
indian Express -Army veterans to take OROP battle to Supreme Court
Maha one rank one pension, OROP, OROP latest order,OROP NEWS, OROP notification, OROP table Edit Post
Army veterans to take OROP battle to Supreme Court: Indian Express
Army veterans to take OROP battle to Supreme Court
Senior advocate Ram Jethmalani has offered his services as the legal counsel for the army veterans
The veterans’ fight for the implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP) according to its original definition is set to enter a new phase with the battle now being taken to the Supreme Court.
The veterans’ fight for the implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP) according to its original definition is set to enter a new phase with the battle now being taken to the Supreme Court.
Senior advocate Ram Jethmalani has offered his services as the legal counsel for the army veterans. Addressing the media in Chandigarh on Sunday, Maj Gen Satbir Singh (retd), who has been leading a protest for OROP at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi for the past 161 days, said the president of Bar Council of India, Dushyant A Dave has also offered to fight for the veterans’ cause, along with his team, in the apex court for free.
Read more at: http://indianexpress.com/
புதன், 25 நவம்பர், 2015
NFIR Writes to FM and Cabinet Secretary
NFIR Writes to FM and Cabinet Secretary
7th Central Pay Commission’s Report – NFIR Writes to FM and Cabinet Secretary
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Dated: 23/11/2015
Shri Arun Jaitley,
Hon’ble Finance Minister,
134/North Block,
New Delhi
Hon’ble Finance Minister,
134/North Block,
New Delhi
Respected Sir,
Sub: Seventh Central Pay Commission’s Report — serious resentment among employees against retrograde recommendations — reg.
Sub: Seventh Central Pay Commission’s Report — serious resentment among employees against retrograde recommendations — reg.
There is widespread disappointment and resentment among all sections of Central Government employees against the retrograde recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission.
In this connection, the National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR) places below core recommendations briefly which have generated unhappiness and anger among the employees in Railways as well as those in other departments of the Central Government:-
I. Minimum salary:
The Pay Commission has illogically recommended the minimum salary Rs.18,000/- p.m. We have explained our case through JCM Staff Side memorandum and also during the meetings with the Pay Commission that the minimum wage of the employees needs to be fixed at Rs. 26,000/- p.m. While the Pay Commission has briefly discussed our proposal in Chapter 4.2 of its report, ‘Determination of Minimum Pay’ in para 4.2.5 & 4.2.6 (at Page 61), it is sad to state that the 7th CPC has not only mutilated Dr.Aykroyd formula for determination of minimum wages but also changed Hon’ble Supreme Court’s decision wherein 25% to be added to the salary computed towards meeting the expenses on marriage, recreation, festivals, health, education etc. The housing component has also been reduced to 3%, with the aim to peg the minimum salary at Rs.18,000/- p.m.
I. Minimum salary:
The Pay Commission has illogically recommended the minimum salary Rs.18,000/- p.m. We have explained our case through JCM Staff Side memorandum and also during the meetings with the Pay Commission that the minimum wage of the employees needs to be fixed at Rs. 26,000/- p.m. While the Pay Commission has briefly discussed our proposal in Chapter 4.2 of its report, ‘Determination of Minimum Pay’ in para 4.2.5 & 4.2.6 (at Page 61), it is sad to state that the 7th CPC has not only mutilated Dr.Aykroyd formula for determination of minimum wages but also changed Hon’ble Supreme Court’s decision wherein 25% to be added to the salary computed towards meeting the expenses on marriage, recreation, festivals, health, education etc. The housing component has also been reduced to 3%, with the aim to peg the minimum salary at Rs.18,000/- p.m.
II.Fitment formula:
(a) The multiplying factor 2.57 recommended by the 7th Central Pay Commission, vide para 5.1.27 (Page 77) of the Report, is totally illogical. Kind attention is invited to the pay increase granted pursuant to implementation of 5th & 6th Central Pay Commissions in the years 1996 & 2006 as placed below:-
Vth CPC – 40% hike with effect from 01/01/1996.
VIth CPC – over 32% hike (1.86 multiplying factor) w.e.f.01/01/2006
VIth CPC – over 32% hike (1.86 multiplying factor) w.e.f.01/01/2006
(b) The VIIth CPC has also admitted in its report vide Chapter 4.2, para 4.2.9 (Page 63) the percentage increase of pay in the past as below:-
VthCPC 31% w.e.f. 01/01/1996
VIth CPC 54% w.e.f. 01/01/2006
VIIth CPC 14.3% (since recommended)
VIth CPC 54% w.e.f. 01/01/2006
VIIth CPC 14.3% (since recommended)
The above facts, reveal that the VIIth Pay Commission has given perverse recommendation on “Minimum Wage” and “fitment formula”, which has led to all – round dissatisfaction among employees.
III. Abolition of Allowances:
The pay Commission has recommended for abolition of various allowances without looking into the background and justification on which those allowances were granted initially.
IV. House Rent Allowance:
Reduction of House Rent Allowance from the present ceiling of 30,20 & 10 to 24, 16 & 8 percent for Classes X,Y & Z cities is not proper. The house rents are very exorbitant in cities and small towns.
Reduction of House Rent Allowance from the present ceiling of 30,20 & 10 to 24, 16 & 8 percent for Classes X,Y & Z cities is not proper. The house rents are very exorbitant in cities and small towns.
The Railway employees are extremely unhappy over non-grant of improved pay scales inspite of the fact that their duties are unique, complex and hazardous.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Government to take steps to modify the recommendations suitably for enhancing the minimum wage and fitment formula through discussions with staff side Federations and see that the atmosphere of confrontation is avoided. There are also many anomalies and aberrations in the report which are required to be dealt through discussions for rectification.
Yours Sincerely,
Yours Sincerely,
General Secretary
General Secretary
Source: NFIR
Setting up of Implementation Cell, 7th CPC in the Department of Expenditure – Finmin order
Setting up of Implementation Cell, 7th CPC in the Department of Expenditure – Finmin order
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block,
New Delhi. Dated 20 November, 2015
Subject: Setting up of Implementation Cell, Seventh Central Pay Commission in the Department of Expenditure.
An Implementation Cell for processing and implementing the accepted recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission is set up in the Department of Expenditure, M/o Finance for a period of one year with effect from the 20th November, 2015, with the complement of staff structure as mentioned under:
Sl .No. Category of Posts No. of Posts
1 Director 1
2 Under Secretary/ Desk Officer 2
3 Private Secretary 2
4 Personal Assistant 2
5 MTS [Multi-Tasking Staff] 2
2. Joint Secretary (Personnel), Deptt. of Expenditure shall head the Implementation Cell in addition to her current responsibility till the post of Joint Secretary, Implementation Cell is created.
3. This issues with the approval of Hon’ble Finance Minister.
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Interesting comments on 7th Pay Commission by our Readers
Interesting comments on 7th Pay Commission by our Readers
Interesting comments on 7th Pay Commission by our Readers
V Joshi
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 10:38 pm
Dear fellow countrymen,
Recommendations of 7th CPC have come as a big disappointment for all serving and retired armed forces personnel, least expected from the present government.
There is hardly any rise in pay as the merging of DA, including merging and discontinuing of the allowances in pay will lead to more tax liabilities thereby nullifying the increase unless the tax slabs are drastically revised which again is highly unlikely.
Recommendation of taking away the rations from peace stations displays the usual indifferent thought process of civilian counterparts towards the forces. Mind you, the same civilians flock themselves in railway stations with goodies when the nation is threatened. How can we have such double standards…..?
V Joshi
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 10:38 pm
Dear fellow countrymen,
Recommendations of 7th CPC have come as a big disappointment for all serving and retired armed forces personnel, least expected from the present government.
There is hardly any rise in pay as the merging of DA, including merging and discontinuing of the allowances in pay will lead to more tax liabilities thereby nullifying the increase unless the tax slabs are drastically revised which again is highly unlikely.
Recommendation of taking away the rations from peace stations displays the usual indifferent thought process of civilian counterparts towards the forces. Mind you, the same civilians flock themselves in railway stations with goodies when the nation is threatened. How can we have such double standards…..?
Does this imply that, Armed forces in peace stations will henceforth not be asked to respond to internal emergencies and calamities, as they will be presumed to be training and enjoying peace tenure with families and that the Home Ministry is very capable of handling such emergencies with their capable forces and government machinery.
Or is it implying that, henceforth, when the Armed forces are requisitioned, then rather than plunging themselves into action as is their ethos, now they must first apply for enabling themselves to draw rations in peace station and put the system of drawing of rations in place, feed themselves and then respond to the central and state authorities…..because Armies do not march on empty stomach.
Granting of OROP to civilian counterparts at parity with Armed forces has made a mockery of the manner in which this matter has been handled. Everyone here seems to be missing the point that a soldier retires at 35 years of age and the officers cadre of armed forces face a much steeper hierarchical pyramid with limited few making it to higher ranks and very few make it to the Apex cadre unlike their civilian counterparts. Majority of the officers retire at 52 years of age. The old system of 70% of pay as pension must be made applicable for Armed forces and revert back the civilian counterparts to 30% of pay as pension as they serve till 58/60 years of age.
Disability pension is a moral determining factor not for those soldiers who are disabled due to exigencies of service conditions but for those soldiers who know that when they do what has to be done, very well knowing that it will cause disability. Disability pension, its attributability to service conditions, its use or misuse must be left to the Armed forces, as such sensitive issues hurt where it hurts most. Recommendations of the 6th pay commission on the subject must continue as it allows increase in disability pension automatically.
Tax free pay to Armed forces personnel will be a great morale booster.
Armed forces are the pillars of our nation, they are our guardians securing us from threats from land, air and water. It is our duty to keep their morale high as they keep the Tricolour flying at full mast come what may. By giving them the stature they deserve in society we only ensure our bjustifyer tomorrow. And let us never forget that a soldier is a soldier is a soldier.
M A Hussain
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 10:32 pm
Armed forces are the pillars of our nation, they are our guardians securing us from threats from land, air and water. It is our duty to keep their morale high as they keep the Tricolour flying at full mast come what may. By giving them the stature they deserve in society we only ensure our bjustifyer tomorrow. And let us never forget that a soldier is a soldier is a soldier.
M A Hussain
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 10:32 pm
7th CPC have submitted report to Govt of India. Media reported a BONANZA for central Govt employees and pensioner, Economists shown their concern about fiscal deficit, private employees see it as Malai, marketing companies described it a boon for slow market. I also felt ACHHE DIN AANE VALE HAI , and started calculation to know whether a MAKAAN(house) or a SUV can I purchase.
Salary slip of a group B employee is/will be as under:-
Basic Pay 17140 44900
DA@125% 21425 000
TPT+Da 3600 3600
HRA 000 000
DA@125% 21425 000
TPT+Da 3600 3600
HRA 000 000
GROSS PAY 42165 48500
Mandatory recoveries
GPF/NPS 3857 4490
CGEIS 60 2500
I. Tax 1256 1909
L. Fee 200 600
CGHS 325 975
CGEIS 60 2500
I. Tax 1256 1909
L. Fee 200 600
CGHS 325 975
TOTAL 5698 10474
NET Pay 36467 38026
VII CPC 1559
VII CPC 1559
Finally I come to know – makaan aur SUV kya ek cycle bhee nahin aa saktee. Yah bhee pata chala ki hamare desh me achhe din kyun nahin aa rahe. Actually, we have poor Economists, a sensational and irresponsible media, innocent people and “10 saal k baad 4.275% net increase paakar itni aalochana sunane vala” bechara central Govt employee
Forward this as much as possible.
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 10:21 pm
Demands of Ministerial staffs like LDCs and UDCs seems to be genuine as they are not only responsible for smooth functioning of offices but they play key role in disposal of files also. They initiate the files, give their valuable suggestions/proposals which ensure smooth functioning of offices. In the present official system, all of them do their various types of work on computer with the help of MS office which includes word, excel, Access etc. In any office, rate of disposal of work is directly related to the motivation level of these staffs. In the one side, commission has tried to recommend outcome/performance based remuneration and other side commission could not even tried to consider the nature of responsibilities rendered to these staffs… As far as entry level is concerned, LDCs selected through staff selection commission had been selected after three layer of scrutiny/test i.e. preliminary examination, Mains and Typing test. like all other group A or B services.. Even for making e-office concept a ground reality, the roll the these staffs are going to be very crucial… In my opinion, Govt. should re think and consider the genuine demand to these staffs.
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 4:52 pm
Sir, I have joined in 2007 as LDC and I have been drawing B.P. of Rs. 7930+ G.P. 1900. My T.A. at present is Rs. 1600/- slab since I crossed Rs. 7440/- basic pay. But due to 7th CPC, my T.A. slab will go down to Rs. 1350/- slab since my level is fixed at 2 for G.P.1900/- and the basic pay has not been considered. By this I am loosing Rs. 2220/- p.m.
Consider my issue also.
Forward this as much as possible.
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 10:21 pm
Demands of Ministerial staffs like LDCs and UDCs seems to be genuine as they are not only responsible for smooth functioning of offices but they play key role in disposal of files also. They initiate the files, give their valuable suggestions/proposals which ensure smooth functioning of offices. In the present official system, all of them do their various types of work on computer with the help of MS office which includes word, excel, Access etc. In any office, rate of disposal of work is directly related to the motivation level of these staffs. In the one side, commission has tried to recommend outcome/performance based remuneration and other side commission could not even tried to consider the nature of responsibilities rendered to these staffs… As far as entry level is concerned, LDCs selected through staff selection commission had been selected after three layer of scrutiny/test i.e. preliminary examination, Mains and Typing test. like all other group A or B services.. Even for making e-office concept a ground reality, the roll the these staffs are going to be very crucial… In my opinion, Govt. should re think and consider the genuine demand to these staffs.
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 4:52 pm
Sir, I have joined in 2007 as LDC and I have been drawing B.P. of Rs. 7930+ G.P. 1900. My T.A. at present is Rs. 1600/- slab since I crossed Rs. 7440/- basic pay. But due to 7th CPC, my T.A. slab will go down to Rs. 1350/- slab since my level is fixed at 2 for G.P.1900/- and the basic pay has not been considered. By this I am loosing Rs. 2220/- p.m.
Consider my issue also.
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 3:50 pm
The scrapping of small family norms increment is not justified with the reasons putforth by Commission. This requires re-consideration under social security angle since the population control has taken a beating in the implementation stage. The revival of SFN/FPA should be continued at a lumpsum amount for all the cadres.
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 3:17 pm
I have been working as a Postal Assistant in the Department of Posts (GP 2400) for the last 5 years. My present pay is Rs.11510 ( 9910 – 10210 – 10520 – 10840 – 11170 – 11510 )
As per the pay matrix of the 7th CPC, my new pay as on 01.01.2016 would be Rs.29600 ( 11510*2.57=29581, next stage in the pay matrix is Rs.29600 ).
But the present pay of Postal Assistants having 4 years of service is Rs.11170.As per the pay matrix, their new pay would also become 29600 as on 01.01.2016 ( 11170*2.57= 28707, , next stage in the pay matrix is Rs.29600 ).
That is the new pay of Postal Assistants having 5 years of service and 4 years of service as on 01.01.2016 would be the same, ie Rs. 29600.
The same anomaly is existed for pay bands 1800, 1900& 2000 GP employees also.Hence please make strong protection against this injustice.
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 3:50 pm
The scrapping of small family norms increment is not justified with the reasons putforth by Commission. This requires re-consideration under social security angle since the population control has taken a beating in the implementation stage. The revival of SFN/FPA should be continued at a lumpsum amount for all the cadres.
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 3:17 pm
I have been working as a Postal Assistant in the Department of Posts (GP 2400) for the last 5 years. My present pay is Rs.11510 ( 9910 – 10210 – 10520 – 10840 – 11170 – 11510 )
As per the pay matrix of the 7th CPC, my new pay as on 01.01.2016 would be Rs.29600 ( 11510*2.57=29581, next stage in the pay matrix is Rs.29600 ).
But the present pay of Postal Assistants having 4 years of service is Rs.11170.As per the pay matrix, their new pay would also become 29600 as on 01.01.2016 ( 11170*2.57= 28707, , next stage in the pay matrix is Rs.29600 ).
That is the new pay of Postal Assistants having 5 years of service and 4 years of service as on 01.01.2016 would be the same, ie Rs. 29600.
The same anomaly is existed for pay bands 1800, 1900& 2000 GP employees also.Hence please make strong protection against this injustice.
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