7 th CPC news லேபிளுடன் இடுகைகளைக் காண்பிக்கிறது. அனைத்து இடுகைகளையும் காண்பி
7 th CPC news லேபிளுடன் இடுகைகளைக் காண்பிக்கிறது. அனைத்து இடுகைகளையும் காண்பி

வியாழன், 21 ஜூலை, 2016

commission ready reckoner – PB-I,PB-II,PB-III,PB-IV

Questions raised in Parliament regarding 7th CPC Notification and Fitment Factor

The Government has decided to implement the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission relating to pay, pension and related issues. The requisite notifications are being issued shortly.
The increase in pay as recommended by the 7th Central Pay commission is based on the detailed deliberations by the Commission keeping in view all relevant factors having a bearing upon the prevailing circumstances
Employee Associations of Central Government had given a call for strike with effect from 11.07.2016 which has since been deferred. However, the Government is responsive to the concerns of the Employees’ Association and it would be the endeavour of the Government to ensure that the eventuality of a strike does not arise.
In view of the multiplication factor having been accepted based on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay commission, no such proposal is under consideration of the Government, at present.
This was stated by the Minister of Finance Shri.Arun Jaitley in a written reply to a question by the Shri Neeraj Shekhar in the Rajya Sabha on 19.7.2016.
Read more : www.cgepn.in

ஞாயிறு, 26 ஜூன், 2016

Central government emplyees rally in jantar manthar

A Massive Parliament March and Rally of about 20000 Central Government Employees was held at New Delhi
A massive parliament march and rally of about 20000 Central Government Employees was held at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 24th June 2016. The rally was organized by National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) of Central Government Employees comprising Railways, Defence, Confederation and Postal organizations demanding modification in the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commissions including minimum wage and fitment formula. Other demands are scrapping of New Contributory Pension Scheme, No FDI in Railways and Defence, Grant of Civil Servant status to Gramin Dak Sevaks, filling up of vacancies, enhancement of bonus ceiling, No outsourcing, downsizing, contractorisation and corporatisation etc.
The NJCA had already given strike notice to Government on 9th June 2016. The Modi Government is not ready for a negotiated settlement with the staff side. The rally called upon the entirely of Central Government employees to intensify the campaign and preparations and make the strike a total success.
The rally was presided by Shri. N. Raghavaiah (General Secretary, NFIR & Chairman NJCA), Coms. Shiv Gopal Mishra (General Secretary AIRF & Convenor NJCA), Sreekumar (Secretary General AIDEF) M. Krishnan (Secretary General, Confederation) R. N. Parashar (Secretary General, NFPE) Guman Singh (President, NFIR), Rakal Das Gupta (President, AIRF) K. K. N. Kutty (President, Confederation) B. C. Sharma (NFIR) S. K. Tyagi (AIRF), Mrs. Champa and Mrs. Gita Pandey addressed the rally
About 33 lakhs Central Government Employees will participate in the strike. 40 lakhs Central Government Pensioners have declared their solidarity with the strike. Central Trade Unions had also extended their full support. State Government Employees Federations have cautioned the Central Government that they will also be compelled to join the strike if Government refuse to settle the demands relating to 7th CPC recommendations as majority of the state Governments are implementing the Central pay parity to their employees also.

வியாழன், 28 ஏப்ரல், 2016

Pay commission update news

नई दिल्ली, 7 वें वेतन आयोग का बिल हुआ पास: केन्द्रीय कर्मचारियों को अच्छी खबर केन्द्रीय कर्मचारियों को अच्छी खबर केन्द्र सरकार ने कल केबिनेट की बैठक में 50% डीए बेसिक मे जोड़ने के प्रस्ताव को पास कर दिया है यह आदेश दिनाँक / 01/2016 01 से मान्य होगा.अब डी ए मर्ज होने के बाद कुल डी ए 63% होगा 
-1 न्यूनतम वेतन 21000 / 
-2 कोई ग्रेड भुगतान प्रणाली और खुले समाप्त scales.
-3 सेवानिवृत्ति - सेवा या earlier.
-4 जो भी उम्र के 60yrs के 33yrs। एचआरए 30% सीसीए reinforced.
-5 किया जाना है। पदों की श्रेणियाँ 1.1.2016.7 से प्रभाव की modified.
-6 Date हो। प्रभावी लागू करने की सिफारिशों के साथ कार्मिक और प्रशिक्षण विभाग, गृह मंत्रालय, विदेश मंत्रालय और डी एस एंड टी आदि से सीपीसी के सदस्य द्वारा प्रस्तुत सीपीसी संयुक्त मसौदा ज्ञापन agreed.
-7th गणना 2.86 एक्स मूल वेतन 1 जनवरी 2016 सदस्य (जुड़ी 26 पृष्ठों की रिपोर्ट) वेतनमान गुणा कारक 2.15 और नए मूल वेतन हो जाएगा (पुराने पीबी + जीपी) * 2.15 (।) पेंशन और परिवार के द्वारा जीपी सहित पंजाब में तैयार की वेतन के आधार पर गणना कर रहे हैं पेंशन गुणा कारक 2.50 होना चाहिए। सदस्य (14 पृष्ठों की रिपोर्ट संलग्न) वर्ग 2 (डी) के लिए कक्षा 1 (सी) के लिए तय की बुनियादी (बी) के लिए पांच श्रेणियों (ए) 2500 1500 1200 में विभाजित वेतन वृद्धि की वार्षिक दर 1000-ग्रुप-ए, 800-ग्रुप-बी, 600 सालाना कक्षा 4 के लिए कक्षा 3 (ई) 400 के लिए -Group सी। सदस्य (जुड़ी 32 पृष्ठों की रिपोर्ट) वर्तमान MACPs योजना सेवा जारी की 10,18,25,30 वर्ष पूरे होने के बाद उन्नयन 4 देकर बदला जाना चाहिए। यह 6 सीपीसी में था और वेतन वृद्धि की तिथि 1 जुलाई से प्रभावी के स्थान पर 1 जनवरी रूप में होना चाहिए सदस्य (जुड़ी 28 पृष्ठों की रिपोर्ट) मकान किराया भत्ता होना चाहिए 2016/01/01 और गृह निर्माण अग्रिम नए मूल वेतन का 50 गुना होना चाहिए। सदस्य (जुड़ी 12 पृष्ठों की रिपोर्ट) परिवहन भत्ता एक्स श्रेणी के शहरों में नए मूल वेतन + डीए का 10% और वाई श्रेणी के शहरों में नए मूल वेतन + डीए का 5% होना चाहिए। सदस्य (38 पृष्ठों की रिपोर्ट संलग्न) (क) प्रति माह नए मूल वेतन के 5% @ अलग तीन राज्यों में कम से कम तीन पोस्टिंग पूरी कर ली है, जो केवल उन लोगों के लिए अखिल भारतीय हस्तांतरण भत्ता। जल्दी है, जो भी (ख) अधिकतम सेवा लंबाई 31years, शर्त के साथ सेवा से सेवानिवृत्ति के लिए 60 वर्ष अधिकतम आयु। (ग) पाटा सैन्य विशेष वेतन नए मूल वेतन के 5% @ में या तो कम से कम तीन वर्ष की सेवा पूरी कर ली है, जो उन लोगों के लिए ही होना चाहिए पूर्वोत्तर क्षेत्र या जम्मू-कश्मीर क्षेत्र। सदस्य (जुड़ी 24 पृष्ठों की रिपोर्ट) नई वेतनमान .old पीबी -1, जीपी-1800 नए वेतनमान 15,000-33,600 हैं, पीबी -1, जीपी 1900 और 2000 नए वेतनमान 21,500-40,100, पुराने पीबी -1, GP- कर रहे हैं पुरानी 2400 और 2800 नए वेतनमान 25,000-43,600 हैं। ओल्ड पीबी -2, जीपी 4200 नए वेतनमान 30,000-54,800 हैं, पुराने पीबी -2, जीपी 4600 और 4800 नए वेतनमान, पुराने पीबी -2, जीपी 5400 नए वेतनमान 45,000-90,000, पुराने पीबी 40,000-71,000 कर रहे हैं -3.GP-6600 नए वेतनमान 52000-100000 हैं। ओल्ड जीपी 7600 नए वेतनमान 60000-110000 हैं। ओल्ड जीपी 9000 नए वेतनमान 75000-125000.सातवाँ हैं वेतन आयोग: -एसएनबी नई दिल्ली -कर्मचारियों की 33 साल की नौकरी या 60 साल की उम्र में सेवानिवृत्ति करने की सिफारिश। सरकारी कर्मचारियों की सेवानिवृति की उम्र 60 से घटाकर 58 साल की।

செவ்வாய், 29 மார்ச், 2016

7th Pay Commission

7th CPC – Central Government Employees urges Central Government to Reinstate Allowances that were hit by the  Recommendations…

 Some good news for government employees anticipating Centre’s response to their demands on salary hike! As per reports, government may agree to reinstate some of the allowances that were subsumed by the 7th Pay Commission’s recommendations.
Central government employees have been claiming that the 7th CPC has recommended to abolish large number of allowances and interest free advances without going into the exact relevance in certain departments where the allowances are provided for.
 The employees have been demanding that allowances which are stated to be subsumed and which are clubbed with others also need to be looked at.
Pay commission had suggested abolition of many privileges and facilities including risk allowance, small family allowance, festival advance and motor cycle advance etc in its recommendations.
 Following are the demands of the central government employees regarding reinstatement of allowances that were hit by the 7th CPC recommendations:
(a) Retain the rate of house rent allowance in place of the recommendation of the Commission to reduce it.
(b) Restructure the transport allowance into two slabs at Rs. 7500 and 3750 with DA thereof removing all the stipulated conditions.
(c) Fixed conveyance allowance: This allowance had no DA component at any stage. This allowance must be enhanced to 2.25 times with 25% DA thereon as and when the DA crosses 50%.
(d) Restore the island Special duty allowance and the Tripura Special compensatory remote locality allowance.
(e) The special duty allowance in NE Region should be uniform for all at 30%
(f) Overtime allowance whenever sanction must be based upon the actual basic pay of the entitled employee
(g) Cash handling /Treasury allowance: The assumption that every transaction in Government Departments are through the bank is not correct. There are officials entrusted to collect cash and therefore the cash handling allowance to be retained.
(h) Qualification Pay to be retained.
(i) Small family norms allowances to be retained
(j) Savings Bank allowance to be retained
(k) Outstation allowance to be retained
(l) P.O. & RMS. Accountants special allowance.
(m) Risk allowance
(n) Break-down allowance.
(o) Night patrolling allowance.
(p) Special Compensatory hill area allowance.
(q) Special allowance for Navodaya Vidyalaya Staff.
(r) Dress Allowance ceiling to be raised to Rs. 32,400 per annum
(s) Nursing Allowance to be raised to 2.25 times of Rs 4800
(t) All fixed allowances must be raised to 2.25 times as per the principle enunciated by the Commission.

Restore the following advances and revise the same to 3 times:
(a) Natural calamity advance.
(b) Festival Advance.
(c) LTC and TA advances.
(d) Medical advance.
(e) Education advance.
(f) Vehicle advances including cycle advance.
Source: Zee News

ஞாயிறு, 27 மார்ச், 2016

Central Pensioners Bank Accounts

The Central government made Aadhaar mandatory for central government pensioners, Accordingly, it has launched a massive exercise to encourage them to seed their bank accounts with Aadhaar numbers.
The Aadhar card will be mandatoryl for availing central government pensions.
The Aadhar card is mandatory for availing central government pensions.
Every central government pensioners has started receiving a telephone call or a postcard from their bank managers appealing to them to do so.
District Collectors across the country have been roped in for the exercise by the Union Ministry of Personnel.
Last week, the Central government held a video-conference with 200 collectors and asked them to convene a special meeting with all bank branch managers.
The bank managers started calling central government pensioners from Tuesday, who draw pension from their respective banks, appealing to them to voluntarily seed their existing Aadhaar numbers in the pension accounts while explaining the benefits of the step.
Once the seeding happens, the pensioner can online submit a ‘Jeevan Praman’ certificate annually to the bank to renew his pension, instead of physically making the trip to the bank to prove that he is alive.
‘Jeevan Praman’ is a pet project of Modi launched in 2014. “14 lakh central government pensioners have seeded their pension accounts with an Aadhaar number but there are 44 lakh central government pensioners.
Our aim is to speak to all 640-odd DCs in the country by video-conference in the next couple of months to exhort them to get bank managers on board and achieve 100% seeding of all pension accounts with Aadhaar in the next 4-5 months,” a senior government official with Ministry of Personnel said.
Bank managers are being asked to either personally call on the mobile phone or landline number of the pensioner or send him or her a postcard or SMS with the appeal.
DMs have been asked to submit a report to the Centre on the exercise on March 29 and a review is scheduled for April 2.
Parliament had earlier this month passed the Aadhar bill, making an Aadhaar number mandatory for availing public services under the direct benefit transfer mechanism.
“Jeevan Praman or a digital life certificate is also a service for pensioners on basis of Aadhaar but we are keeping it voluntary so far. It’s in benefit of the aged pensioners to have the facility to avoid trips to banks,” a senior official of Ministry of Personnel said.
Inputs with ET

வியாழன், 3 மார்ச், 2016

7th Pay Commission provision Budget 2016-17

Provision for 7th Pay Commission Pay hike made in the Budget 2016-17 in the form of budgeted allocation to various Ministries says Economic Affairs Secretary in the Ministry of Finance

7th pay commission pay hike has been budgeted says economic affairs secretary Ministry of FinanceWith absence of an explicit overall provision for the 7th Pay Commission in Budget raising questions, government on Wednesday said the once-in-a-decade pay hike has been built in as interim allocation for different ministries and Budget numbers were credible.
The voluminous Budget documents state that “the implementation of the Seventh Pay Commission due from January 1, 2016 is to be implemented during the financial year 2016-17 as also the revised One Rank One Pension scheme for Defence services.”
“The government has made provisions for the additional liabilities on these count,” it said, without giving the amount allocated for implementation.
Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das said the number cannot be quantified and it has been built up in budget of various ministries.
“We cannot really quantify how much we require in 2016-17.
Because the Committee of Secretaries have to first give its recommendations, then govt will take a decision and then only we will know what is the requirement in FY17,” he said here.
Implementation of the pay commission report is to cost the government Rs 1.02 lakh crore.
“We have the Pay Commission recommendations with us, we have analysed the likely requirement and it has been built into the Budget of various ministries. Some suitable interim provisions have been made,” he said without elaborating.
“Hence the expenditure and revenue numbers are credible.”
Das said Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in his Budget speech stated that interim provisions have been made.
“And these provisions are there in the Demands for Grants for individual departments and ministries. It is built into and subsumed into those allocations.”
“The Budget reaffirmed the commitment of the government to continue with the process of fiscal consolidation as projected in the Medium Term Fiscal Policy Statement of 2015-16 despite a tough external environment,” the Budget documents said.
Accordingly, fiscal deficit has been projected at 3.5 per cent of GDP in 2016-17. “In accordance with the amended FRBM targets, the fiscal deficit of 3 per cent is projected to be achieved in 2017-18 onwards.”
“Keeping in view the challenge of reduction of fiscal deficit by 0.4 per cent of GDP in a difficult year in 2016-17 with substantial additional liabilities on pay revision etc, the government is quite optimistic of fully achieving the fiscal deficit target of 3 per cent or below by March 2018,” the documents said.

ஞாயிறு, 21 பிப்ரவரி, 2016

7th CPC Recommendations & Benefits of pension , Medical..etc.

7th CPC Recommendations related to Pension and Retirement Benefits – RSCWS Memorandum to Empowered Committee….

Railways Senior Citizens Welfare Society (Estd. 1991, Regd. No. 1881 – Under Registration of Societies Act),
Website http:/www.rscws.com
Identified & Recognised by DOP&PW GOI Under Pensioners Portal
President RSCWS
1023-Sector 15 B Chandigarh -160015
(Ph: 2772875, Mob: 9417870544)
Email: npmohan34@gmail.com
Harchandan Singh,
Secretary General, RSCWS
32, Phase- 6, Mohali-160055
(Ph. 0172 2228306, 09316131598)
Email : rscws1991@gmail.com
No. RSCWS/ CHD / Memo 7th CPC Emp Com/2016-3 Dated: 6-2-2016
Cabinet Secretary, Government of India &
Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 004
CC to: cabinet@nic.in
Dear Sir,
Subject: Recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission relating to Pension & Retirement Benefits We would like to draw your kind attention to the following major points & serious inadequacies & consequential serious injustice to the Pensioners. We earnestly request you for consideration of the following issues:
I) The 7th Pay Commission has very unjustly & arbitrarily recommended the multiple factor of 2.57 for fixation of Pay & Pension. It is tantamount to less than 14.3% rise of emoluments as on 1-1-2016 (with expected DA of 125%) as against over 21% rise proposed by 6th CPC. This is especially very much unjustified in view of much high price rise in the last 10 years.
II) Long pending demand may please be accepted for merger of DA for fixing the Revised Pay & Pension;
III) It is, therefore, requested that the multiple factor should, therefore, be raised to 3.15 times of Sixth CPC Basic Pay & Pension if the merger of DA is agreed to or at least to 2.65 if merger of DA is not agreed to.
IV) The Minimum wage of Rs.18000 proposed by 7th Pay Commission is based on Dr Aykroyed formula for Minimum Need Based Wage. This has already been overruled by the Supreme Court as it does not reflect the present day needs for Housing, Social obligations and Children Education etc. The Apex Court had already modified the said formula by adding appropriate weightage for these Factors – which may please be considered for fixing the Minimum Pay and the Pay at higher Levels as well as the Pension as based thereon.
PARITY OF PENSION (PARA (10.1.53 & 10.1.67):
a) We welcome the recommendation of 7th CPC and thank the COMMISSION for accepting the long pending demand of Parity between pre and post 7th CPC Retirees. However the method suggested by the Pay Commission for the above purpose, needs to be revised & simplified in view of the following reasons:
i) It may not be possible to implement this Option in many cases for fixation Revised Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners in the absence of Service Records of the old Pensioners to check the number of increments earned in the Grade from which the Pensioner retired in cases where the Service Records of the old Pensioners are not available thus depriving them of the benefit of the same permanently or for many years till their records are rebuilt – which will be like groping in the dark;
ii) Basing of Pay Matrix & Pension on disproportionate Rise of Pay & Pension – given after 6th CPC – will be unjustified – as the rise given after 6th CPC was 3 times or more in PB 4 as against 2.26 times in PB 2 & PB 3;
iii) Using lower Index of only 2.57 at lower levels and 2.62 at Middle Levels as compared to 2.67, 2.72 and 2.81 at higher Levels of Posts will further accentuate the discrimination caused by the 6th CPC. The Index of 2.81 should be uniformly applied at all Levels.
iv) In the past, while fixing the salary of serving personnel in the revised scale under the 4th CPC recommendations, point to point fixation based on the number of increments already earned was not undertaken and one increment was allowed for every 3 (three) increments earned in the pre-revised scale thereby suppressing the number of
increments earned in relation to the number of years actually spent in the grade. The same principle of allowing one increment for every 3 earned in the 4th CPC scale was also followed while fixing salary of serving employees in 5th CPC scales. This has resulted in artificially suppressing the time spent in a particular level.
v) Senior Pre-2006 Pensioners will get lesser higher pension than even the Pre-2006 junior Pensioners who retired later from the same Post with slightly longer or more years of service in that Grade;
vi) Senior Pre-2016 Pensioners who retired in higher Level of Posts will get lesser pension than the juniors who retired from one or even more Levels below just because Either the Juniors could not get promoted to higher grade but had earned more increments in the lower Grade than the seniors who retired from a higher grade.
Or the two Pay Scale got merged after the retirement of the senior and thus the junior will get the benefit of all increments earned in either of the two scales while the senior will get the benefit of the increments earned only in the higher grade. All this would be greatly unjustified.
  1. a) It is, therefore, requested to please simplify the method for the purpose and the same should be based only on the information available in the PPO.
  2. b) It is requested that – in order to remove the above infirmities – the Pension of Pre-2016 Civilian Pensioners be fixed at the higher of the following two formulations:
  3. i) a) Pension of Pre 2016 Pensioners be fixed at par with Average of the Pension of Post-2016 Pensioners based on the 50% of the Average Pay in the Pay
Matrix or such other formula as may be universally implementable as per readily available records of all concerned / based on the information available in the PPO;
b) Till such time the above said dispensation is implemented, minimum Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners should not be less than 50% of the minimum of Pay in the Pay Matrix of 7th CPC for the Pay Level corresponding to the Pay Scale or the Grade Pay from which the Pensioner had retired;
  1. ii) Pension fixed after Sixth CPC be multiplied by Multiple Factor of 3.15 if the merger of DA is agreed to or at least to 2.65 if merger of DA is not agreed to (as proposed in Para 3 above)
iii) Increments earned or the number of years spent in either of the merged scales should be taken into consideration for fixing the Revised Pension. Pensioners may please be fixed at the higher of the above – without getting any option from the Pensioner as it is an obvious matter that all will opt for the higher Pension.
7th CPC has totally ignored the reasons of extra expenses on medical care & treatment in old age for the demand for reducing the age for grant of Additional Pension of 5% from 65 years of age, 10% from 70 years and 15% from 75 years. It has also ignored even the recommendations of DOP&PW for starting it at the age of 75 years. This has greatly hurt the Pensioners. It is, therefore, requested that the Additional Pension may please be granted @ 5% from 65 years of age, 10% from 70 years and 15% from 75 years of age, besides continuing with Additional Pension of 20% from 80 years, 30% from 85 years, 40% from 90 years, 50% from 95 years and 100 % from 100 years of age as granted after 6th CPC.
It is regretted that the 7th CPC has recommended no enhancement of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) for Pensioners for dayto-day medical treatment not requiring hospitalization, merely on the ground that “this Allowance was last enhanced from Rs.300 to Rs.500 pm from 19/11/2014” – even without going into the merits of the following valid reasons advanced for the revision thereof:

i) FMA should have been revised from 1-9-2008 – like all other Allowances after the 6th CPC. The belated revision done in 2014 was itself delayed by 6 years;
ii) The cost had exorbitantly increased for the Medicines, Consultation Fee and cost of Pathological Tests required for day-to-day medical treatment since 1999 (when the FMA was initially granted) and this had risen at a much steeper rate than the Price Index.
iii) Average expenditure per pensioner/per Patient on OPD in CGHS Hospitals has increased manifold and is at present over Rs.2500 per patient. This reflects the exorbitant increase in the cost of Medicines, Consultation Fee and cost of Pathological Tests etc. required for day-to-day medical treatment. The FMA of Rs.500 per month is thus a pittance of the actual expenditure on day-to-day Medical Treatment by the Pensioners who are residing in non-CGHS /RELHS areas and have thus opted out of the same.
iv) A large proportion of Pensioners were residing in remote areas or villages having no excess to CGHS Dispensaries & Railway Hospitals and as such, are wholly dependent on the paltry amount of FMA for day-to-day treatment of self & spouse.
v) It is, therefore, requested that the FMA may please be revised to at least Rs.2000 p.m. or at par with the average expenditure on OPD Treatment per month per Pensioner / Patient.
Hoping for a favourable consideration;
Thanking you
Yours faithfully,
(Harchandan Singh)
Secretary General, RSCWS

Minimum Pay Recommended Pay Commission

Centre Admits Employees Not Happy With Minimum Pay Recommended Pay Commission

New Delhi: Central government has admitted that central government employees are not happy with the minimum pay, which has been recommended by the Seventh Pay Commission.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will include the increase the pay hikes of central government employees in the budget in this month.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will include the increase the pay hikes of central government employees in the budget in this month.
The recommendation of the Pay Commission will be included in the budget but will not see the minimum pay Rs 18,000.
The commission findings of pay hikes of central government employees were published in November, with a promise of Finance Minister Arun Jaitley to include the increase the pay hikes of central government employees in the budget in this month.
All trade unions and central government employees associations are unhappy with the proposed increase of minimum pay.
Some of the unions and associations had called for the minimum pay to be increased to Rs 26,000, while another wanted it raised to Rs 24,000.
Yesterday, the Finance Ministry official, works with implementation cell, said the minimum pay will be increased to “a balanced compromise”, while trade unions have said the increase should be made to good enough.
The Economists claimed minimum pay increase would cripple government finance as pay of all central government employees will be hiked on the basis of minimum pay, which also against the Pay Commission recommendations.
One of the famous economists, who requested to remain anonymous said , “policy decisions must be based on hard evidence, not aspirations. It is deeply frustrating to see important policy decisions being made in the absence of the necessary economic evidence.”
“There is no justifiable economic argument for increasing the minimum pay beyond the pay panel. It is sad to say but the only reason for the increase is political survival in the upcoming election of West Bengal, Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry in April-May,” he added
The Finance Ministry official said, “the evidence based approach, which is used by the Finance Ministry indicates that the Indian Economy can sustain a modest increase in the minimum pay of central government employees, without causing harm to other government businesses.”
Accordingly, the government determines to to hike Basic salary at least Rs 20,000 from Rs 18,000 recommended by the Seventh pay commission,
The The Seventh Pay Commission recommended raise in basic pay, a key segment that determines several allowances, is only 14.27 per cent – the lowest in 70 years. The previous commission had recommended a 20 per cent hike, which the government doubled while implementing it in 2008.
Read More :- www.cgepn.in

6th CPC – 7th CPC pay amount raise 54 %--14.3%

Pay Rise 54% in 6th CPC – 7th CPC Recommended only 14.3% - NFIR

The need for fixing the minimum wages at Rs 26,000/- and modifying the multiplying factor was explained in detail with full justification.

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to :
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)

No: II/95/Pt VIII

Dt:19th February, 2016


On the Invitation of Shri R.K. Chaturvedi, Convener, Implementation Cell, Ministry of Finance Dr M. Raghavaiah, Chairman/NJCA & GS/NFIR and Shri Guman Singh, Member/NJCA & President/NFIR representing Central Government Federations/Associations attended the meeting at North Block, New Delhi at 11.00AM on 19th February 2016 and explained NJCA’s 1 to 26 charter of demands with full justification for every demand.

The need for fixing the minimum wages at Rs 26,000/- and modifying the multiplying factor was explained in detail with full justification. The leaders drew the attention of Shri Chaturvedi to Page No 63 of 7th CPC which is as follows:

It is clear from above that the pay rise is only 14.3% in 7th CPC, which is causing lot of resentment and unrest among 34 lakh Central Govt Employees belonging to Railways, Defence, Postal etc., Mr R.K. Chaturvedi assured to explain the views expressed by NJCA leaders to the Cabinet Secretary and stated that within 10-15 days a meeting between NJCA, Empowered Committee and the Implementation Cell will be held for further discussions.

The NJCA leaders made it ample clear that in the event of No Negotiated Settlement all the central government employees will be compelled to serve Strike Notice on 11th March 2016 and proceed on strike from 6.00AM on 11th April 2016.

As already decided by NJCA all the Central Govt Employees must prepare themselves for Indefinite Strike from 11th April 2016.

(Marri Raghavaiah)

Source: NFIR

செவ்வாய், 16 பிப்ரவரி, 2016

National Executive Committee of Confederation of Central Government Employees and Decisions Taken on 12.02.2016….

1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi — 110001
Website: www.confederationhq.blogspot.com
Email: confederationhq@gmail.com
Secretary General
M. Krishnan
Dated — 13.02.2016
The National Executive meeting of Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers was held on 12.02.2016 at ITEF Head Quarters (Rajouri Garden) New Delhi under the presidentship of Com. K. K. N. Kutty. After detailed deliberations on all agenda items, the meeting took the following decision.
  1. It is decided to make all out efforts to make the indefinite strike from 11th April 2016 a thundering success, as per the call of National Joint Council of Action (Railways, Defence,Postal & Confederation). The following decisions of theNJCAare ratified for successful implementation.
  • To serve indefinite strike notice on 11.03.2016.
  • To organise massive rally on 11.03.2016 at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi.
  • To organize massive rally at all state headquarters and major industrial centres during the month of March/April 2016, to be addressed by the National Leaders of all NJCAconstitutent organsiations.
  • To observe 29th March 2016 as “Solidarity Day” throughout the country.
  • Indefinite strike from 11th April 2016.
  1. In each state head quarters, leadership level a joint meeting of Confederation should be organised during the month of March 2016. The following should participate in the joint meeting.
  • All office bearers and committee members of Confederation (C-O-Cs)state/District.
  • All state level office bearers and committee members of each affiliated unions/Associations/Federations.
All India office bearers (National Secretariat members) of Confederation will attend the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to review seriously the preperations made in each state for successful implementation of the indefinite strike and also to chalk out further measures to overcome the weakness or deficiencies, if any, in each state. The state level C-O-C or the C-O-C functioning at the state headquarters is authorized to organize the meeting duly co-ordinating with all other C-O-Cs in the state and also with all affiliated organizations in the state.
The date on which the meeting is to be organised in each state and the names of the National Secretariat members attending the meeting are furnishing below
SI.StateDatePlaceNational   Secretariat   members attending
HyderabadM. Krishnan, V. Nageshwar Rao, T.Narasimhan,    P.   Suresh,   B. Krishna Gaud, Usha Bonepalli
GuwahatiPi jush Roy, Arup Chatterjee
PatnaR. N. Parashar, Roopak Sarkar
RaipurGiriraj Singh, Vrigu Bhattacharjee
New DelhiM. Krishnan, M. S. Raja, R. N. Parashar, Asok Kumar Kano jia
AhmedabadK. K. N. Kutty, R. N. Parashar
AmbalaK. K. N. Kutty, Vrigu Bhattacharjee, R. Seethalakshmi
8.Himachal Pradesh30.03.2016
ShimlaM. S. Raja, R. Seethalakshmi
9.Jammu & KashmirWill be
decided later
SrinagarK. K. N. Kutty or M. Krishnan
RanchiPi jush Roy, Arup Chatterjee
BangaloreM.     Krishnan,      K.P.                         Rajagopal, T.Satyanarayana
TrivandrumM. Krishnan, K. P. Rajagopal
13.Madhya Pradesh21.03.2016
BhopalGiriraj Singh, T. K. R. Pillai, V. Purohit
MumbaiK. K. N. Kutty, R. N. Parashar, Nilesh D. Nasare, R. P. singh, K. V. Jayaraj, Ashok B. Saulankhe
15.North-East (all states)22.03.2016
ShillongPi jush Roy, Arup Chatterjee
BhubaneshwarM. S. Raja, Giriraj Singh
ChandigarhK. K. N. Kutty, R. Seethalakshmi, Vrigu Bhattacharjee
JaipurK.   K. N.Kutty,      M.                    S. Raja,R.Seethalakshmi
ChennaiM. Krishnan, Dural Pandian, G. Mani Achari, Venkata Subramanian
20.Uttar Pradesh29.03.2016
LucknowR. N. Parashar, M. S. Raja
DehradunVrigu           Bhattacharjee,       Giriraj       Singh,Arup Chatterjee
22.West Bengal26.03.2016
KolkataM. Krishnan, Pi jush Roy, Roopak Sarkar
NB: – (i) The above decision should be strictly implemented (ii) If any change of date is required, it should be made only in consultation with the concerned National Secretariat member.
3. Managing bodies of all affiliated organizations should be convened immediately and planning should be made for effective implementation of the decision of NJCA and Confederation. Without convening the Managing body no effective planning is possible for any organization. Each organisation should undertake its own departmental wise campaign programme also.
4. Each affiliated organization should issue separate circular to their lower units informing the decisions of NJCA and Confederation and should instruct their lower units to implement the decision without fail. (It is reported in the National Executive meeting that General Secretaries of some of the affiliate are not issuing any instructions to their lower units and hence the lower units are not ready to implement the decision including strike). A copy of the circular issued to lower units should be sent to Confederation CHQ.
5. Each affiliated organisation should serve strike notice to their respective Departmental head on 11.03.2016. Copy of the strike notice should be sent to Confederation CHQ also. If any affiliated organisation fail to serve strike notice to their departmental head the issue regarding discontinuation of their affiliation will be decided in the next National Secretariat meeting.
6. It is decided to request the NJCA leadership to write letter to (1) all MPs of Loksabha and Rajyasabha (2) Chief Executives of all political parties, requesting their intervention in settlement of the Charter of demands submitted to Government. Press Conferences may also be held at all state headquarters on the day of the massive rally in each state.
7. All India Conference of Confederation It is decided to hold the National Conference of the Confederation from 26th to 28th August 2016 (three days) at Chennai (Tamilnadu). All India Women’s Convention will also be held along with the National Conference at Chennai on 27.08.2016 (Half day).
The delegate fee for the AIC is fixed at Rs.1000/- per delegate. All delegates including National Secretariat members (CHQ office bearers) should pay the delegate fee. The delegate fee for women’s Convention is fixed as Rs. 400/- If any lady comrade want to attend three days conference also as visitor, they should pay delegate fee of Rs.1000/. Visitors will be permitted on paying Rs.1000/- as visitor fee. The state C-O-C of Tamilnadu may commence the preparatory work for successful conduct of the AIC immediately.
8. The number of delegates eligible to attend the Conference will be decided based on the quota received for the last three years i.e; from May 2013 to March 2016 (after the last AIC to 31.03.2016). All affiliated organizations and COCs are requested to clear their full quota before 31.03.2016.
9. It is decided that the actual membership of each Union shall be declared by the Chief Executive of the organisation in the following proforma and sent to Confederation CHQ on or before 29.02.2016. Based on that membership quota is to be remitted for three years. QUOTA: ONE RUPEE PER YEAR PER MEMBER. It is further decided to write off (waive) the accumulated quota dues of all affiliates upto the last National Conference as a onetime measure.
10. It is decided that all affiliated organizations should clear their full quota for three years before 31.03.2016 WITHPUT FAIL. The address of the Financial Secretary and Bank Account Number is given below:
Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee
Financial Secretary
Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers
17/C, Kali Bari Marg, New Delhi – 110001 Mob: – 09868520926
Bank Account: Indian Overseas Bank, Gole Market Branch, New Delhi
Account No. – 084001000015586
IFS Code – IOBA0000840
11. It is decided to conduct the Two days All India Trade Union Workshop of Confederation at Dehradun (Uttarakhand) during the first half of June 2016. Dates and Number of delegates fixed for each affiliated organisation and C-O-C will be intimated shortly.
12. The National Executive Considered the application for grant of affiliation submitted by the following organizations and decided to grant affiliation.
(a) All India Navodaya Vidyalaya Staff Association (AINVSA) AINVSA CEC,Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Post Mamnoor, Dist Warangal STATE: TELANGANA – 506166
General Secretary: Com. L. B. Reddy, Mob: 09494279001
(b) All India WPC & Monitoring Non-Gazetted Staff Union 7051/5, 3rd Floor, Mata Rameshwari Nehru Nagar, Karol Bagh New Delhi – 110005
General Secretary, Com. Ramanand Mob: 09540377009
e-mail: nager.ramanand@gmail.com
13. Regarding 7th CPC related issues including proposed indefinite strike new developments may take place on any day. It will not be possible to intimate all those developments through circular. All Latest developments and news will be posted in Confederation website then and there. All Chief Executives of affiliated organizations and State/District C-O-Cs are requested to watch the Confederation website everyday. Website: www.confederationhq.blogspot.com
Yours fraternally,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob: 09447068125

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